
A coworker is raising money for the adoption fees for this sweet boy. I want to help them and what better way than the lovely people here? If you can, please consider donating and/or sharing.

Cap Fandom Shared Contact List


Hi all,

As you know, Tumblr has begun the fuckening. I am someone who is a part of so many great Captain America fandom communities, and I’d hate to lose touch with anyone as a result of this nonsense. 

Because of that, I’ve created a Captain America Fandom Lifeboat spreadsheet where people can list their alternate contact accounts, from Pillowfort to Twitter. Please feel free to share this across Cap fandom, or even into the wider MCU! 

Link to sheet

Please help if you’re able!



I suffered four mini strokes a few weeks ago. My husband took a leave of absense from work because it’s difficult for me to be on my own with our kids (We have three).  I have other posts on my blog with more details, but for time-reasons, I’m doing the abridged version here. 

I’m by no means saying anyone has to help, but if you’re able to help, my links are below.

I’m putting my straight links below for copy/pasting purposes because you can’t click on them anymore.

Amazon Wish List:

Please and thank you so much!


❤️ ❤️ ❤️

I want to thank everyone who’s donated. Be it money, wish list purchases, or shares.

I feel very loved and this is making the most difficult time in my life that much easier. Thank you so much!!!


Dres’ wish list. There’s some stuff that’s really needed on here, so if you have a chance, give it a look and share.

Dresupi has had four mini-strokes and has incurred some medical costs compounded by her husband having to miss work. If you could share this and/or purchase some of the items, it would really help her out. The much needed items are marked.

Thanks so much!! Much love!!

I seriously hate asking for help again…




I spent Monday night and part of yesterday in the hospital.  Still not entirely sure what the cause was, but the doctor said it was bad vertigo. I had all the scans and such, so we know it isn’t a tumor, but that’s all we know.

I was so sick on Monday, I threw up so much I burst a blood vessel in my eye.  :/. I fell down in the shower after assuring the nurse I wouldn’t fall down in the shower, and now I have a huge bruise on my thigh and a bigger one to my ego.  :/ :/ I’m still dizzy and nauseated and until I can get those things under control, I can’t do stuff alone.  It’s a stupidly hard lesson to learn, unfortunately. 

And Andre’s had to miss a lot of work. Gonna have to miss more before this is over, I’m afraid.  And it’s because of that, that I’m asking for help again. He won’t lose his job because of the time lost, because we’ve got well-documented doctor’s visits and such, but he’s not getting paid for days he’s not at work.

I hate doing it, because I know that I won’t be able to repay any of the help any time soon. It’s hard to sit upright, so I can’t really write anything until the dizziness/vertigo clears up.

But if you have anything to spare, we would again be truly grateful. 

He’s already lost about $300 of income due to having to stay home/at the hospital with me.  And it’s $300 we unfortunately need desperately, especially with all these copays. 

Anyway, thank you so much if you’re able to help (even reblogging is helping) ❤

Hey guys, we’ve reached almost half of our goal, thank you so so much! ❤ You guys are amazing and I never cease to be stunned by your support! ❤

We’re less than $100 from the goal!  You guys are amazing!  Thank you thank you thank you!  

Also, am sitting upright for the first time all week. *fingers crossed* that means I’m getting somewhat better? I hope? At least enough where I can be left alone again.

Glad you’re doing better!




So i’ve been sitting here for far too long, procrastinating about whether or not i should hit post and admit defeat, or hit delete and hope a miracle happens. I’ve added this sentence in after i’ve written the post and just before i go make a cup of tea, if you see this post it means i’ve decided i’ve hit rock bottom.

I know i haven’t been on tumblr much for the past few weeks. I drop in and out, reblog a few things, occasionally (like, once in a blue moon) actually post something original, but that’s like as rare as rocking horse shit. I brush it off by saying “Sorry, i’m busy with work!”. But that’s only really half – or less – of the story.

I’m self employed. Something that suits me because since my diagnosis to confirm my Aspergers, i feel i couldn’t work as part of a team anymore, i need to be in control and the only way to do that is to work for myself. I make craft things and do a bit of everything; sewing, papercraft, crochet… hell, i’ve just started making jewellery. All this helps me stay focused and keep my Aspergers under control. It also means i can seek private counselling for the Aspergers, along with support for my Post Natal Depression. 

Now for the crux of my problems; Etsy. 

I sell through Etsy as when i first started selling, it was a fantastic site to sell your handmade crafts. People appreciated the time and work (and materials) that went into it, and understood simple things like to get a quality product you need to pay for shipping. Now… well… Etsy is becoming more corporate. It doesn’t work like Ebay or Amazon, if you type in a search, the top search results aren’t the cheapest, or the items ending soonest or most recently listed… oh no, Etsy favors whichever sellers follow their ‘suggestions’ on how to sell. Things like buzz words, or additional photos, most ‘liked’ shops. And now; Etsy is pushing to offer free shipping. I have no idea why. And its not something i can offer. Everyone knows that if you offer free shipping, you basically have to bump up your price for the actual goods, so it’s never actually free. So what’s the point? My shipping costs are pretty much that – at cost. I don’t make profit on them as it covers the price of stamps/couriers, and for the packaging. But because i haven’t cowed down to Etsy’s ‘suggestions’ i’m now coming bottom in any search results. And its had a huge impact on my income.

So here’s my problem; although i don’t earn much, i (usually) bring in enough to contribute to about 1/5 of the household bills, and i cover a personal credit card that i use sparingly for things like my treatment, Superpups school fees/uniform costs etc, and things when i take Superpup to classes or after school clubs. I knew this month was going to be tight, so i pulled the spending in a lot more – i wouldn’t have a coffee as i sat at his club, instead i’d bring a water from home, or i’d pack snacks rather than buying him a snack afterwards. But as the days and weeks went on, the sales just went dead. Then i got this months credit card bill in;

£181.36. It doesn’t sound like much in the grand scheme of things. But then look at my income for this month;

To be honest the exclamation point was somewhat overkill. Thank’s Etsy.

I’ve tried everything. I’ve put things up for sale on facebook sites, things like old toys that Superpup doesn’t play anymore. Some old collectable stuff from movies of the 2000′s that i had been keeping, but nothing has sold. Hubby is having to cover my 5th of the household bills this month, so now i need to find basically £180 in two weeks.

I don’t like begging. I try and support others where i can, but i’m stuck. Sure, i could make the minimum payment and hope that next month is better, but its a high interest card and the interest will be way more than the minimum payment is, plus i’ll have this months expenditure to cover too. I’m going to have to skip my treatment this month, but i can’t pull Superpup out of school. He still needs his things. 

So… here’s a link to my Etsy shop. If you see something you like, use code WEDFAIR2018 and you can get 10% off. If you have an account but can’t afford anything right now, please just go in and hit the heart on a couple of things – it’ll help my store come up the rankings in popularity and will mean i get more visibility by people searching for products like mine.

Also, here’s my Kofi account link. In all honesty i’d rather you bought something on Etsy as then i feel you are getting something for your month, but i also understand sometimes people don’t want to do that, so i’ll include that link too. 

I also have three titles on Amazon Kindle. Link to the UK site is HERE, but if it doesn’t work, search for ‘SJ Hammersday’ (no space between S and J), it’ll bring up my three books on there.

I’m going to work late tonight and try and get some writing done for you all so you at least have an update on something.

It’ll probably be an all nighter for me, but hey, i found a bag of strong coffee at the back of the cupboard so may as well use it, huh?

Signal boost for an amazing person, incredibly talented writer, and creative artist!

Her books on Amazon are intriguing, heart-warming, hot, and bring a smile to my face!

Her artistic crafts are fun, great for special occasions, lovely gifts, and/additions for your own home!

Kudos and hugs to her!!! 🤗🤗🤗

I don’t usually reblog these posts, but I like seeing @angryschnauzer on my dash and thought I’d take a look.

You guys, her stuff is so cute! Like, if I had known about her shop when I was getting hitched a few years ago, I’da grabbed up so much stuff to decorate tables and stuff. Or, hell, if I had someone’s baby, bridal, or whatever shower or party to plan, I’d do it now.

Go check out this wonderful shop! Buy something! Or, buy lots of things!! But at least click on the little ❤️ for the shop and some things.

Reader Appreciation Giveaway



Since I started writing in the MCU fandom last April, I’ve met lots of wonderful people who have taken the time to send messages, leave comments, and just be supportive of my writing.  Over the past few months, I was thinking of how I could say thank you.  I’ve seen a few giveaways on Tumblr to celebrate milestones, and I thought it might be a nice way to thank everyone.  I don’t have a particular milestone I’m celebrating except to say that the positive response when I post a fic is pleasantly overwhelming sometimes.

So, I went on Etsy and picked a few pieces of Marvel-related jewelry to give away.  I tried to buy from individual fans and from people in various areas of the globe (US, Canada, UK, Brazil, Ukraine, Mexico).  There are eight pieces, each costing between $13 and $28 USD.  All of the pieces are awesome in their own way.  I have my favs and I was tempted to keep a couple for myself, but that’s not why I bought them.  I am a (moderately good) knitter, so I’m also offering to handknit two custom hats (your choice on the pattern, color, and material).  If you end up with one of these in the giveaway, I’ll chat with you via email to figure out what you’re looking for.  The jewelry will be mailed as soon as the giveaway survey is closed.  I hope to have the hats done and mailed before the holidays at year-end.

I don’t want to make this difficult or require you to jump through a bunch of hoops (i.e. follow me here and do this there and blah blah).  So, if you want to enter, you should click on the link below.  You’ll be asked to give your name, email, and preferences on which giveaway item(s) you’d like.  I’ll also ask you which of my fics you enjoyed the most and what you liked about it.  This is my way of weeding out people who happen to see this and don’t read my stuff.  Also, I’d love to hear what you have to say, especially if you’re a reader who doesn’t comment.

Links to all the jewelry (and the Etsy shops I purchased the pieces from) can be found in the survey that is linked below.  It will be open through October 15th.  I’ll close it on that day and randomly pick ten people to receive a gift.  If you are chosen, I will try my best to give you something you said you wanted.  If I can’t, then I’ll randomly assign you something.  I’ll be in touch with the lucky winners after October 15th to get a mailing address.  Feel free to reblog if you’d like, but that isn’t necessary.

Thank you for being nice to this writer.  She appreciates you all. ❤


If you haven’t seen this already, then here it is for you to see.  The jewelry is all in my grubby little hands.  I’m just waiting for the cute boxes I want to mail them in to arrive in a couple days.  I’ll stop accepting entries on the 15th of October and will be in touch with the winners right after.


My grandmom has cancer and I am commissioning (aka BUYING) knit things.

1. I know your skills and time are valuable, knitters. My mom is a mixed media artist and I’m familiar with the whole “died of exposure” phenomenon that happens to artists when they advertise their art and get told essentially that they should work for free for exposure. FUCK THAT. I WILL PAY YOUR LABOR ABD MATERIALS.

2. I am not asking sympathy or discount prices because of the circumstances. I will pay you what your work is worth.

3. I pay through facebook pay because it’s instant and doesn’t charge fees, so if you want this commission, please be willing to temporarily friend me on facebook.

4. I need beanies, knit, size large, in bright colors for my grandmom’s noggin so that while she goes through chemo, her dome isn’t cold. I am willing to pay $40 and up for high quality hand knit beanies. If they cost more than that, just lmk. I’ve never commissioned this kind of thing before so if I’m ballpark wrong on my prices, just let me know. She loves bright colors, so anything bright or even neon, let’s talk.


Guys, I’m freaking out.

I don’t know how half of the bills are going to get paid this month. My husband lost his job right after I quit my second job (because I thought we were finally in a financially stable place. ) My mom is able to help with the part of the rent that I’m lacking and the cable bill, and our foodstamp application is pending, but I need gas to get back and forth to work, the electric bill and phone bill are due, and the kids need to eat. I have several applications in for online work that I’m waiting to hear back from and he’s putting in job applications left and right, but we haven’t heard anything back from any of them. If anyone is able to help or has any ideas that I haven’t already thought of, please let me know. I know a lot of y’all have kids that just went back to school and are also struggling, but if anyone has a couple of extra dollars to send our way, my PayPal is